Dear woman,
You are a living, breathing work of art…
Created from the dust of ancient stars…
How will you choose to adorn this one precious body?
From the colours of your iris to the freckles on your shins,
To the shape of your breasts or the scars across your chest,
The soft undulating folds of your belly or the skin caressing the bone of your hip,
There will never be another ‘you’.
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”
Coco Chanel
When a woman dares to inhabit her body with devotion…
When she moves through the world smiling with delight in her majestic thighs, her angular knees, her ever-changing hair colour, her ravishing stretch marks…
When she finally gets that beauty is an inside job, she'll know a delicious freedom that no-one can ever take away from her.
“Adorning your body as a living, breathing work of art is an act of radical self-love.”
I help a woman remember who she was before the world whispered dirty little lies in her precious ears…
Before life falsely convinced her she wasn’t enough or maybe too much or maybe both but never at quite the right time.
If you’ve been told that caring about what you wear is shallow, I understand!
If you think ‘fashion’ is frivolous, I get it.
Mindless consumerism is not the antidote to a wardrobe full of “nothing to wear”.
And yet…maybe along the way you also learned to mistrust your desire for more sensual beauty, for dressing in colours, textures and shapes that delight you.
You may have taken on the false belief that intelligent, liberated women don’t pay that much attention to their looks and convinced yourself that your clothes are merely a practical social necessity…
This, dear friend, is your velvet slipper-ed permission slip to whisper or cry out loud;
“I want more…
I want to feel beautiful/sexy/desirable/divine/gorgeous/chic!
I want to feel seen”

“What you seek is seeking you.”
If you’re ready to feel safe being seen, welcome to my salon of sensual sartorial satisfaction!
Imagine opening your dream closet every single morning…your eyes moving along the shelves and hangers with delight, your fingers reaching for textures that feel like home, for colours that reflect the landscape of your body.
The pleasure of adorning your body in whatever the hell lights you up!
Expressing your unique feminine beauty into the world so that what is yours can find you;
Your soulmate will recognise you.
Your clients will trust you.
I see your beauty
The seed of your feminine essence lies inside you waiting to blossom.
She longs to be heard, to be known by you.
You may have sensed glimmers of her presence when you were wearing your favourite shade of burnt orange or soft, shell pink as the sun set over a summer ocean…when your senses were alive with the deep greens of a crisp morning walk in the forest…when you danced and laughed ‘til the wee hours in that silk charmeuse slip dress you loved.
Your future self, the woman who knows her worth, the one who understands the power and safety that beauty brings to her life is waiting to meet you…
Will you dare to answer her call?
Will you let her take you by the hand and lead you to love?
“When it comes to dating and relationships your unique personal style is your secret superpower, your greatest ally and a portal of pleasure to all that you desire.”
Renée Searles
Every day you dress your body and send unspoken messages into the world.
I invite you to step away from old outdated stories about who you are and what you desire in this one precious life.
Let’s end your wardrobe crisis once and for all; no more chaos, no more confusion.
You are a living breathing work of art waiting to be released, revealed and reborn.
Let me hold a mirror to your unique wild beauty, to show you what your skin remembers and watch as the world responds in magical new ways…
Love Renée x