Judy (Byron Bay, Australia)
“I'm a mature aged woman who experienced a very difficult end to my 23 year marriage.”
I came home to Australia suffering from deep grief, shock and extreme loss of faith in myself and in the institution of loving relationships. For 5 years I wallowed in self pity and lack of interest in my sexuality, rejecting the entire idea of entering into any more relationships with anyone.
Then one day a little voice began whispering in my ear about finding the possibility of love again…
Very soon after, I met Renée who agreed to meet with me weekly via Zoom to help me navigate these new feelings. She gently walked me through the ups and downs of re-introducing myself to the (terrifying for me) journey of putting myself out in the world to meet someone new.
I began dating and from that moment on everything changed for me!
She showed me how to soften and let myself receive the attention and care of a man… it was an astounding feeling for me! Never before had I felt and been in touch with the power of my femininity.
I was so used to leading in my marriage, organising, booking plane tickets, taking care of all of our affairs. I’d never noticed that it took a toll on me and that it felt so good to let go of the reins…such a relief. I’m now in a beautiful relationship with a wonderful man and we are planning our first long road trip together!
Renée and I continue to touch base as often as I need and she always soothes my fears and helps me navigate the next stage of my relationship both with myself and my man. She has never insisted on anything I might not be able to handle and I’m eternally grateful for her unwavering support and guidance. I still have moments of doubt in myself but I now have simple tools to recalibrate when I get wobbly and my life has improved 100 times over.
I couldn't have done this without my loving coach. I was a mess!
Allanah (Sydney, Australia)
“For years I had so much grief about feeling like I was a beautiful woman being bypassed and ignored by good men.”
I didn't understand why and I worked so hard to make them love me, while receiving very little of what I needed back.
Feminine energy dating coaching with Renee is changing the way I am in the world, and the way I see myself and men. Now I look around and am floored by what loving and warm provider-creatures men are. I'm dating men who are kind and attentive, and who want to take care of me (this is so new!!).
I'm learning to be soft, put down my efforting and find safety in the care of men, rather than needing to be masculine, or "do it for them" in order to feel safe.
The old way was So Bloody TIRING.
My body, heart and being thank you for the relief of finally having a way to be in the world that honours my feminine soul.
Renée is such a kind and compassionate, fun and supportive guide. She’s walked this path and embodies and knows it deep in her bones.
If you're suffering with feeling unmet, unseen or unsatisfied, I'm confident Renée can help you with the insight, tools and tangible support to shift that into something very different.
Working with Renée has felt so empowering and very eye-opening!
After just three sessions I feel that I’ve come away with completely new insights and approaches that I can apply to my dating-life; in the current situations I shared with you and also to future dating and relationship situations.
It feels enlightening and gives me a new calm confidence in myself and my own feminine energy.
You’ve taught me exercises and techniques for experiencing my feminine energy, for noticing how I’m feeling in my body, for gently handling the voice of my inner child to help with soothing my anxious-attachment and for envisioning my dream future with clarity that I hadn’t experienced before.
I didn’t know what to expect from dating-coaching but our sessions have exceeded anything I assumed.
Renée is so kind, reassuring, genuine and loving and has encouraged me and taught me so much in our sessions; I’m really grateful to have the opportunity to be coached by her.
Rachel (U.K)
“One of the benefits of our work together is I’m SO much better at receiving.”
I feel open and receptive like never before.
I feel grateful and I feel pleasure receiving.
And I’m really open to (and expecting) the other person to enjoy giving!
I went on a lovely date yesterday with a guy who had the lushest heart…I think he fell in love at first sight!
He was so sweet and what I want to share with you is how open I felt to his loving attention partly because he was so warm and genuine but also because I'm not feeling as closed and protective and critical around a man.
It felt like it had a much lovelier flow.
It felt so nice!
This is largely a result of our work together and me moving through all the uncomfortable icky feelings that were sitting in front of my heart.
April (Sydney)
“I struggled for many years with feeling inadequate and in and out of the wrong types of relationships and when my marriage broke down I knew I needed help.”
You immediately made me feel at ease and I felt so safe to express all my worries and concerns.
Working with you I was able to heal a lot of old wounds from the past. You have the most incredible style of coaching, unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
Whenever I felt things were too hard or I was struggling, you were there to respond to my concerns quickly and give me a clear plan with simple tools to use.
I felt really supported and like I wasn't alone in tackling the anxiety and the issues that were coming up as I started dating again.
What I’ve come to see is that you've helped me to simply come back to myself.
I now feel an inner strength and am able to process my feelings with acceptance & care when they come up.
I can recognise the old patterns that were holding me back from a deep, fulfilling love and I now feel confident to express my emotions in a healthy way.
I’m so happy in a new relationship with a man who loves me and makes me feel cherished and safe. What's even better is that it feels easy, calm & passionate all at the same time.
If it wasn’t for our work together I feel sure I would’ve messed up this chance at happiness and love.
This journey has been so impactful in other areas of my life also.
I no longer question myself when I doubt a situation. I’m able to trust my intuition and make decisions that feel right and in alignment with my boundaries.
This has given me more clarity in my career and improved my relationships with my friends, family & my children.
I’ve gained results within just a few short months with you that I’d been working on for years with therapists & counsellors.
Confidence was always my superpower but in the last year doing this work with you, my confidence has become pure, a core authenticity. It’s not just a coping mechanism anymore.
I’ll be forever grateful for you and the journey you’ve guided me on and continue to support me in going forward.
My only regret is that it took me so long to find you & your unique style of coaching.