Wild beauty,
precious love.
Hello dear one,
Your precious feminine heart was created to be filled with the finest love imaginable.
Deep down in the quiet garden of your body I know there’s a soft (or fierce) flame burning with longing to be held in the intimate warmth of a beautiful relationship.
I adore helping women just like you own their unique feminine personal style, fall deeply in love with their vulnerabilities and strengths and let their wild beauty become the guiding light to all they desire.
And this is what I know for sure;
Yearning for a great relationship is the most natural desire in the world.
For many of us, the kind of love we desire can feel elusive.
You might have felt hurt or disappointed more times than you care to count.
You’ve probably done a lot of inner work.
You might feel embarrassed that, in spite of being a capable, successful woman, you don’t know how to make this better!
You’ve probably tried lots of different ways to ‘fix’ this.
If there’s an inner voice whispering;
“ It's too late…”
“ I’m too broken…”
“ I’m too old, too skinny, too fat, too something…”
If you feel like maybe you missed your chance.
If you feel tired.
I’m so glad you’re here!
I know how scary it feels to put yourself out there and open your heart again.
And that’s where I come in.
Wherever you're at, I’m here to walk beside you into the kind of life and relationship you desire.
No matter your age, body type or love story to date, it’s never too late to turn things around.
I want you to know;
There’s nothing wrong with you…
You are lovable.
And you can have the relationship you dream of.
It’s time…
I believe you have everything within you to create the love life you dream of (even when the evidence to date points to the contrary!).
When you say yes to coaching with me, you can be sure that one day soon we’ll be sharing a laughing-crying-goosebump moment, your eyes wide with amazement as you tell me you feel more loved, cherished and desired than you ever thought possible.
This is the most intimate journey you’ll ever take…
I have delicious feminine jewels to share with you.
Jewels that live inside you waiting to be uncovered.
I’ve made us a pot of rose petal tea,
Let’s open the magical doorway to your dreams and desires…
The feminine embodiment pathway to a safe, loving, passionate relationship is a powerful journey into your senses, your body and your innate feminine nature.
I’ll be walking beside you as you invite every part of your life into the arms of beauty; elevating your personal style, embodying your natural feminine receptivity and deepening into a new level of intuition and self trust.
This work is not a quick fix or a ‘technique’.
I won’t be teaching you any ‘strategies’.
Falling in love with your beautiful, messy, complex, divinely feminine self is an organic unfurling, a magical unravelling that cannot be rushed...
No matter where you’re at; married, separated, single or dating, I’ve created these luxurious programmes to give you everything you need to turn your love life around.
I’ll be right here beside you every step of the way with loads of encouragement and support when things feel tricky, confusing, delightful and luscious!
A 12 week Coaching Immersion.
For women of all ages who desire to fall deeply in love and create the relationship of their dreams.
A 12 week Coaching Immersion.
For women of all ages who want to reignite the ‘spark’ in their marriage or relationship.